Well to day was a interesting day got up for work not feeling the best but proceeded to go got done with my shift witch was slow and shitty but didn't matter cause I hand plans that I thought of all day with
Logan Retherford
Kortni Krantzman
Devon Swoboda
to bad those plans turned bad when I started to breath heavy cause my chest seemed tight well then I started to have like a Zaidi attack witch quickly turned into me fighting for my life fighting for witch seemed so small but at the same time the biggest in witch was a breath of air I mean how harmful can that be till I found out it was a lot harder than I thought. I was gasping for mine as if I was in a tank that I couldn't get out of. One the hardest things in my life my chest just stoped working and at last moment when it was almost to late it would work but it was getting to the part we're you can't hold on no more Cause it was to hard I'm glad that Logan and Kortni came out side at this time and rushed to my aid and I'm sorry to say but I wish they wouldn't of at the same time cause I wouldn't want them seeing me in that amount of pain and didn't want them to see the faces I was making cause I bet they were faces that no body would ever wanna see, as they were trying to talk to me and calm me down and I tryed to listen but I just couldn't control it, and kortni grabbed a phone and preceded to contact the law by this point it has gotten way harder she was in the middle of telling we're we where when I couldn't catch that last breath and that's wen I new what was next so I tryed my hardest to tell them that I love them but gladly the hommie Logan was right there to bring me back just as fast as I left witch is amazing but sadly I only came back worse and at this time the ambulance, fire trucks and shit roll up and I open my eyes real quick wile I'm back for fighting for my life and I was surrounded by at least 12 dudes by this point it looks like I'm having a seasure they are all asking me questions that I can't answer and thinks started getting crazy so I got loaded up into the ambulance while drifting in and out of conscienceness. I really only remember a few parts in the ambulance like how when I first got in there I was just simply at my limit with no good source of air that I started falling again for the second time until one of the man bestowed a mask over my mouth to help me breath witch worked at first but I was still having hella problem so we had to stop and switch out to these two tubes that whent up my nose and there is me totally freaking out cause I no what was happening but at this point I was not only fighting for air but just simply controll of my body it all went stiff like if you were to have a cramp throughout your whole body that didn't stop. I was drifting in and out of conscienceness all I really remember is that we kept makeing stops so that they could do tests on me like they draw my blood use wires to do something on one part and then on another and I always heard someone say don't worry you can do this were almost to the hospital next thing I no I'm in a hostbital Bed and I have hella electronics attached to me of all shapes and sizes and I got a shot to help relax every thing so that I would calm down and get some air and from there it got a lot better it was meant to make me crash so that they could go in a and take x-ray pictures and see what they had to do to fix the problem I talk to doctors and everything and was the lucky one any little moment later and I would not be here today so I guess you can say I am thankful for the perfect time every one was there and that I was able to be brought back that many times and that I had to kick ass friends Logan Retherford and Kortni Krantzman thank yo so much you guys lagaitly are my life heroes Ucenter Dress plus size items for guest to wear of the wedding
I love u two and want to say thanks for making a change maybe not to a lot of people but it was life changing for me! That's why everybody should live today as if it was last day