JOIN US to support Relay For Life at our state preliminary for the Kentucky Festival Pageant.
Great for beginners! Natural Pageant. Open to
Kentucky Residents.
Youth & Ladies Nebo Relay For Life Pageants:
11am Youth: Boys 0-11yrs; Girls 0-7yrs.
6pm Ladies 8-65+yrs.MS, Mrs, New Modern Plus: Teen,Miss & Modern Woman (dress size 14+)
Open to Kentucky Residents! Natural Pageant.
CLICK THE LINK to do an online entry form for the Saturday, March 3, 2018 Nebo Relay For Life Pageants.…/Miss-Mister-Nebo-Pageant-93…
Message Pat Vincent for info. PLEASE SHARE,

CLICK THE LINK to do an online entry form for the 3/3/2018
Nebo Relay For Life Pageants.…/Miss-Mister-Nebo-Pageant-93…
Miss & Mister Nebo Relay For Life Pageant
State Preliminary to Kentucky Festival Pageant
Theme is: The Wizard of Oz Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Saturday, March 3, 2018
11am Youth Pageant: Boys 0-11yrs; Girls 0-7yrs.
6pm Ladies Pageant: 8-65yrs.
Admission is $5 per session or $8 for both.
Pageant Community Service Project: Relay for Life (all contestants should bring donations)
CLICK THE LINK to do an online entry form for the 3/3/2018 Nebo Relay For Life Youth Pageant & the
Miss Nebo Relay For Life Ladies Pageant (8-65yrs)…/Miss-Mister-Nebo-Pageant-93…
Pageant Directors: Pat Vincent & Charles Jarrell
Cell/Text: 270-399-1578. Email: [email protected]
Send Payments with PAYPAL Free Friends & Family Link to: [email protected]
If you don't have PAYPAL, call to arrange payment. Payment Plans available. ASK!
Location: Nebo Community Center, 100 South Bernard St (Hwy 502) Nebo, KY 42441
Directions: on 41-A turn at caution light (Hwy 502) beside Nebo Tire & Gas Station. The Community Center is on the left past 2 houses. Pull in & drive around the bldg to far side. Entrance Door in middle.
All judges decisions are final. No drama! Please be respectful! Any unsportsmanlike conduct will result in disqualification. You are paying for a judges opinion; you may agree or disagree with their decisions. This pageant is a great opportunity for you to shine & rock the stage! Great for beginners!
The Top 3 in each age group, supremes & $75 Relay Sponsors advance to state Kentucky Festival Pageant
Nov 16-18 in Lexington. All winners will represent Nebo at area events.
Please save the date for the Hopkins County Relay For Life Event June 8, 2018 at Hopkins County Central High School. We need your support for our Nebo Royalty Team & participation during Team Recognitions & our check presentation. We are so glad you're joining us to support Relay For Life. This is our 3rd year supporting Relay For Life! black and white of the formal
The Director reserves the right to add, cancel, or combine categories or awards. Large groups maybe split into smaller groups.
This is an older bldg. Narrow wooden bleachers. Bring pillow seat or cover to protect dresses. The entry hall has 4 steps down to the gym. There is not a ramp. The stage & dressing room also have steps. Dressing Room available. Limited Outlets. Bring Extension Chord/ Mirror, etc. Hair & Make-up appointments are available.
Concessions: Bring small bills & change.
Nachos, Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies, Candy, Pixie Sticks, Ring Pops, Rice Krispie Treats, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mt. Dew, Water, Hug Barrel drinks & more.
Humanitarian & People's Choice Donations go to Hopkins County Relay For Life & the Cancer Center. Bag & count items. Include a paper with your name & list of items with totals. Cash needs to be in envelop with your name & listed People's Choice with total $.
Humanitarian Supreme: Win Large Teddy Bear & More!
Collects Most Donations/Items (gloves, hats, socks, turbans) Also includes:
Shirts Sold; Sponsorship (tiebreaker: # Fans attending Pageant)
People's Choice Supreme: Win Large Teddy Bear & More! Collects the most cash. $1 per vote! Proceeds go to Relay for Life. Also includes: #Relay Shirts Sold; Sponsorship (tiebreaker: # Fans attending Pageant)
Charity Supreme: Contestant with the best Community Service. Submit a list of your Volunteer & Community Service Activities with the dates & what you did. Summarize in a few sentences, why you do community service. Special awards & More!
Pioneer Supreme for most referrals: Gets Free $25 Overalls Package & More!
Referrals: At check-in you need to list who you referred on your entry form.
Online link to the Entry Form is on pageant event page. There is a space to list referrals.
Ultimate Grand Supreme: (highest score) wins a Scholarship to Kentucky Festival Pageant to represent
Nebo, a Crown, Robe, Title Sash, Jewelry, Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray & More!
Grand Supreme: (2nd highest score) wins a Crown, Title Sash, Jewelry, Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray & More!
CoverModel Photo Supreme: Best contestant photo (headshot or theme) wins a Crown, Title Sash, Jewelry,
Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray & More!
Win a Crown, Title Sash, Jewelry, Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray & More!
Sweetheart Supreme: Girls 0-7yrs. Best Personality & Stage Presence
SpokesModel Supreme: Ladies 8-65yrs. Highest score for Introduction & On Stage Question Response.
Special Ladies Awards:
Interview Supreme (highest score)
Sonya’s Award Best Formal (Director’s Choice)
Age Group Side Awards: Best Dressed; Personality; Prettiest Eyes; Hair; Smile; Top Model
Overall Side Awards: Best Dressed; Personality; Most Beautiful; Prettiest Eyes; Hair; Smile; Top Model;
Optional: Rising Star, Director’s Pick; Judges Pick
Door Titles Optional:
Buddy Supreme $5 each (1 free with Sponsorship)
CoverModel Photogenic Supreme: $10 (free with Sponsorship)
Fan Favorite (most supporters attending)
Optional Outfit of Choice: Wizard of Oz Theme - $10 (Free with Sponsorship)
Best OOC; Most Unique OOC; Best Overall Theme; Best Accessories/Props.
Buddy Supreme: post photos on my Buddy Post & list your buddies. $5 each. Please list Buddies on your entry form & follow up at check-in. (1 free with $75 Sponsorship)
You may add $75 Sponsorship to any package.
Optional Relay Ambassador Sponsorship Supreme $75 (advances to state) Full Payment due Fri, Feb 23.
Includes 1 Free Buddy Entry, CoverModel Photo Supreme Entry & Free OOC (Outfit of Choice) Entry.
Donation to Relay, Crown, Acrylic Crown Plaque & More.
Special Gift to 1st 10 Paid entries.
Special Gift to those 100% Paid by 2/23.
5 Pageant Packages:
$25 Deposit secures your spot & $15 for Shirt Orders by 2/18. $10 Sibling/Mom Discount.
Boys only: Basic Entry & Sponsorship. (Overalls & Supremes TBD)
$50 Basic Entry Youth Pageant: Boys 0-11yrs; Girls 0-7yrs.
$65 Basic Entry Ladies Pageant (includes Relay Shirt)
Basic Entry & $25 Overalls = $75 Youth. $95 Ladies.
Basic Entry, $25 Overalls & $25 Supreme = $100 Youth. $115 Ladies.
All Inclusive: Basic Entry, $25 Overalls, $25 Supreme & $75 Relay Sponsorship = $175 Youth. $190 Ladies.
(You may add the $75 Relay Sponsorship to any package)
Pageant Relay Shirt $15 (included in Ladies Entry Fee; anyone may order a shirt; counts for your Humanitarian
& Peoples Choice)
The Kentucky Festival Pageant is a natural competition. Attire is not judged. It is judged for age appropriateness, fit, style, color, accessories, shoes, etc. Glitz attire is not allowed. Make-up & hair styles are judged for age appropriateness.
YOUTH PAGEANT: 11am OOC is 1st; Beauty Age Group Awards; Individual Beauty Walk; Overalls Judging.
Boys will start the competition.
Basic Entry Fee $50. (Overalls & Supremes TBD)
Boys: King, Prince & Duke: Crown, Title Sash, Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray.
Sunday Best Attire & Optional Outfit of Choice
0-3 years Baby Mister Nebo
4-6 years Wee Mister Nebo
7-11 years Little Mister Nebo
Basic Entry Fee $50
Girls: Queen, Princess & Duchess: Crown, Title Sash, Jewelry, Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray
Sunday Best or Pageant Attire 0-3yrs & Optional Outfit of Choice
0-5 Months Miss Nebo
6-11 Months Miss Neboh
1 year Baby Miss Nebo
2 years Toddler Miss Nebo
3 years Tiny Miss Nebo
Formal Pageant Wear: 4 & up long dresses recommended. Optional Outfit of Choice.
4 years Wee Miss Nebo
5 years Young Miss Nebo
6 years Little Miss Nebo
7 years Petite Miss Nebo
LADIES PAGEANT: 6pm. 4pm Interviews ages Teen & up
Ladies Basic Entry Fee $65 (includes $15 Relay Shirt)
Basic & Supreme Pkg $115; Sponsor Pkg $190 total
Ladies: Queen, Princess & Duchess: Crown, Title Sash, Jewelry, Trophy, Plaque or Silver Tray.
3 Outfits: Introduction Relay Shirt/casual attire; Outfit of Choice; Formal Pageant Wear.
1st Stage Presentation:
Introduction: Relay Shirt with pants, skirt or shorts. (SpokesModel Supreme highest score)
Ladies will do a brief greeting, introduce themselves, contestant #, tell hometown/county.
On Stage Question: You select the one you want to do.
1) Tell an interesting or unique fact about yourself. OR
2) Tell about your community service & why it's important to you.
2nd Stage Presentation: Optional Outfit of Choice: The Wizard of Oz
3rd Stage Presentation: Age Group Overalls Judging (Formal Pageant Attire)
4th Stage Presentation: Individual Beauty Walk (Formal Pageant Attire)
5th Stage Presentation: Overalls Judging
8-9 years Darling Miss Nebo
10-11-12 years Pre-Teen Miss Nebo
13-14-15 years Teen Miss Nebo
16-17-18 years Junior Miss Nebo
19-20-21 years Miss Nebo
16-17-18-19-20-21 years Modern Miss Plus (Size 14 & up)
(Contestants in these 4 categories may have children)
20 - 60 years MS Nebo (single or divorced)
18 - 40 years Mrs. Nebo (married)
Modern Woman Plus