As i was reading the book of Mormon this morning, I felt to share these prophetic prophecies concerning the state of the people at the time at which the book of Mormon will come forth; here it goes please study it online verses "Mormon 8:27-32 .plse members of LDS church and non members dare read those verses and you will fall in love to read the entire prophecies which are for our days, including experiences,wars,testimonies ,counsels and exhortations with warnings written down by divine command for us to benefit from...And to those who criticizes the book of Mormon, and the LDS church be warn today that I have told you that I Kumakech Patrick the son of Opong Max Agoma have said " that as a sign of the restoration of the Lord God,Jesus Christ true Kingdom as said by John the Baptist in Mathew that the kingdom of God is at hand; I add my witness to the many that have yet continuously being born that since the restoration light of the early morning spring of 1820 opens to the boy prophet Joseph Smith; that I know by the witness of the holy spirit that the book of Mormon is of God and the Church that published it is the very true eternal church of the first born (Jesus Christ)of the eternal father in heaven even our father Elohim...Amen" Please I kindly plead with you all in the name of the Almighty God,Jesus Christ and the holy Ghost (holy spirit) not to use your God given agency ( free will to choose) to reject and discredit my pure,honest and true testimony... In the name of Jesus Christ.. Amen...find a copy of the book of Mormon I urge you, meet the full time missionaries I plead with you, whether you are Jews ,gentiles,Moslem, Catholics or any believers... More truth that will draws you closer to God will be yours as you make one eternal decision to come join and moves the kingdom forward awaiting the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ..I am in Gulu northern Uganda...I conclude by kindly inviting all to visit any nearest church of Jesus Christ of latter day those members who are not actively participating ,please come back to activity..the lord needs your various talents to blend with the others to move it forward as we prepare the earth for Jesus Christ second advent blush pink bridesmaid dresses