I have never been so humiliated in my life!
This morning I got a text message from once upon a child saying that clearance items are 90% off. --Chelsea just quit there last week because they wouldn't work with her schedule anymore and we were having issues with a sitter. -- But that's too good of a deal to pass up so I got up and got dressed and went there by myself.
Chelsea was a manager, so of course they all know me. So I'm In there shopping and I'm buying a crap ton of clothes it feels like so I go and check out. Blah blah. As I'm checking out I see a water table brand new in the box for $10. Aria has been wanting one for awhile and I was considering buying it but I didn't.
My total was over $200 before the discount and I paid $23.xx for all the clothes i got. I saw Karen whispering to some new employee something as I checked out the water table and being an adult I ignored it. I paid and left. I went home and woke up the grizzly bear and showed her everything I got the kids. I also told her about the water table... for $10!! So she told me I should have gotten it and I agreed. We decided we would go back out and get it in a little bit.
About an hour goes by and one of my old coworkers called me and asked me to run them to the store.
I got to go out anyways. So we both go to the store and then to once upon a child and mind you she's majorly pregnant and is about to have her child so we both go inside and I'm looking to see if I might have liked any other clothes and I pick up 2 pairs of shorts for baby Gotham. I'm walking and she's just looking and browsing,mind you she just asked me to run to the gas station, and I don't want to just spend unnecessary time just looking for more clothes so I set the 2 pairs of shorts back on a random rack and then grabbed the water table and went to check out. I paid. And left. Nothing more nothing less.
so here is where my side hustle streetology kicks in... I paid $1 for something that once upon a child bought from a customer for $4 and they were selling it for $10. My genius ass hopped in my car with Chelsea and the kids and we drove to kalamazoos once upon a child. We bought $450 worth of clothes for $45 and then drove back to Battle Creek ripped all the tags off and took them clothes to Battle Creek's once upon a child. Chelsea worked there for ages and every single person who works there does the same stuff. Karen daughter Kourtney just takes people's clothes if they dont pick them up quick enough and claims it was lost and they're not responsible because of how long it took. She also feels that because it's her moms store she can come in and shop, not pay, and go home.....so what we did was take advantage of a really good sale. I went to pick up my items and Karen was busy talking to a customer I noticed and her snitch, charity, was walking down by the jumpers and stuff trying to quietly and politely get Karen's attention, again I was being a grown up, they can be salty
so I stood in line and finally I'm next and I get to the counter and a girl named Megan was proceeding to offer me $60.xx and I said no thank you I'll kindly decline, obviously y'all are still salt licks
Karen then waltzs over and tells Megan I got this I'll cash him out and so Megan said it's okay he declined the offer and she goes "oh great" and then Megan goes to place my items in my basket and Karen said "no it's okay, I'll put them up" as she is placing my items in the basket she says and just so you and Chelsea know you two are banned from my store. I said why? She said you know why... you and Chelsea come inside my store again I will have the police escort you two out of here. I said why because Chelsea quit on you? She said I loved Chelsea! I said well she wasn't given days off to accommodate schedules and she told you that and she left you for an accounting job! Paying way more ! I grabbed my basket and started to walk out and I told her she was just being a bitter person! I told her to "have a very blessed night, Karen" and I left muttering some unmentionables under my breath! It was busy and so many people saw her kick me out because Chelsea quit. ( we declined the offer because chelseas friend texted us how much they were going to buy from us $85 worth, and then Karen shows up sometime while I'm gone and changes the total to $64.xx and Chelseas friend told us straight up so before I went inside I knew I wasn't going to accept the offer ) formal dresses for juniors
I go home pissed as a bitch! Humiliated to the max and I tell Chelsea. She calls Karen and Karen said that "Christian and some "black girl" stole a couple pairs of shorts!" Excuse me!!! I knew exactly what she was talking about !! Chelsea was so shocked this is not what she had just said to me. She thought I stole those shorts I placed back on the rack earlier! I told Chelsea to tell her I could show her exactly where they were at and she said if I ever come in the store again she will have me taken to jail. Chelsea flipped. Telling Karen that I didn't steal and to show us the camera footage she has and Chelsea told her we are on our way! Now! She stood where she was! I told her I went back for the water table and gave her $10 but stole 2 pairs of clearance shorts??!
I thought she was mad because she knew I took advantage of the sale!! No she thinks I stole!! Not me! She looked for a reason to be on top. I've not stole a damn thing and i refuse to be publicly humiliated for something I didn't do.
During Chelseas employment with once upon a child Karen has done this to multiple other key holders. Chelsea quit because that store is nothing but drama. She said she has proof of me stealing, screenshots and all on video. Please post me stealing Karen. Publicly. You can't. Because I didn't steal A damn thing. Like I said you're just mad because Chelsea quit. Take care of your
Employees and this wouldn't happen. You wouldn't have to accuse them of sTealing to ban them. To be top dog. You could have just said a week is too soon and I'm still working Chelseas shifts, at least let me get over being mad! Lmao. Nope.Once Upon A Child - Battle Creek, MI Charity AshbyhBattle Creek Police Departmentent and anyone else who needs to know. This is what happen. Karen filed a false report and I refuse to be disrespected as a customer.