Back home for a week from New York City to get up and head to Miami for some great Cuban food, great people and so many lessons to learn about business.
I'm involved in a master mind program geared to lead generation with a great group of real estate and mortgage entrepreneurs. We are all in sales and have very similar mindsets. I joined this group almost a year ago and it has tripled my business since I've been in. It's probably the best thing I could have done to push myself the next level. In August last year my business was just a hobby. It was fun and easy to make money with. Once I realized that it's not just a hobby, I turned my act around and started running it as a business.
In October I start in the upper level of a mastermind group called the Tribe and started generating leads like crazy. I am saying 12-16 leads a day coming in. I was growing way too fast and had know idea how to handle it.
Twice a year, the Tribe comes together and meets up in Denver and to Miami to talk about their businesses and what is working for them. It's a 2 day event and some of the very best get up and talk in front of everyone to share their systems and experiences.
At the February meet up this year, I was asked to fill in a spot last minute. I was so scared. I hadn't done public speaking since I was in college and that was only in front of like 15 people. So here I am about to take a risk. I wasn't prepared at all and I am about to stand up in front of a bunch of people that I don't know and teach them about Instagram and ask for help with my business. At that time I believed I was the youngest girl in the group and thought I really didn't belong to be there. My confidence was shot but I knew the only way I was getting help was to get up there and prove myself. There were about 40 people in the group and all business owner making killer money. I was so nervous to speak in front of a large group but I decided to challenge myself to see what I could do. mother wedding
My personal opinion... My presentation sucked. It definitely didn't meet the "LUX Standards" to say the least. Lux Locators (my company) does everything 100% and I felt like I only did half that. I bounced all over the place and I was shaking to the max. I remember I looked at the paper I was holding and I literally couldn't read what I wrote down because I was shaking so bad. I started sweating and pacing back and forth. Mind you this was in February in Denver, Colorado and it was freezing!! I could have melted a damn snowman with my body heat! UGH so embarrassing. Loll
After I finished talking about Instagram, it was like the tables had turned and I was telling them where I was in my business and where I was struggling. It was incredible. So many people reached out to me to help me get on the right track. That's when I knew I had joined a group of people that would really be there to help me grow into the business owner I should be.
But this blog is more about my public speaking episode rather than the growth of my company. That will be a whole different book. So anyways, when I rewatched the video of my first presentation, I felt like I had to redeem myself and prove to myself that I could do better. So this time I figured it would be a good idea for me to be a little more prepared. I did a little more research and started adding a few more things into action on my personal Instagram to see if what I was doing would be beneficial to others. In turn, it worked. So I had a few more things to talk about in the presentation and I created an outline on my iPad to follow instead of writing on a shaky piece a paper this time.
The day I landed in Miami a few of my favorite people had arrived and were extra supportive with my nerves. I was still nervous all the way up to the time I got up there to speak. There were at least 100 people in the room. All eyes on me. My knees were shaking, there goes the sweats and Jesus, I thought I was going to throw up. I only knew about 10 people out of the whole group! I was internally flipping shit but I kept my cool on the outside, of course. Here goes nothing.... I get up there in the middle of the room put my iPad down so I could see it and picked up the mic. "Deep Breath"
I kept my other hand in my pocket so no one could see my shakes.
I started talking and it was crazy, I had everyone's attention. They interacted with me and I felt like I was actually helping them with something they were unfamiliar with. So it calmed my nerves down a lot.
It was such a liberating experience this time. I belonged there. Finally, I felt like I belonged to a group of people that would respect me as a business owner. It took so much courage to get up in front of 100 people and speak about my business and Instagram. It was great to be taken serious as a business owner instead of just a pretty face and being "thicker than a snickers." <--- Still the dumbest shit I've been called.
Anyways, The Tribe has completely changed my life. Certain people in the Tribe have really helped me grow my systems and have helped me expand myself worth.
Each and everyone of the members have an incredible story behind them and to be apart of such a group is absolutely an honor to know them. I feel like I can do anything and I will continue to push myself to do my very best. It is a blessing to have such amazing people support you in what you thought were only dreams but they can help you make them into goals. This group isn't just a bunch of people talking about business all the time. We are a family. My family. My Tribe.
If you are ever in the market for a new place to live in Dallas, hit me up! I buy, sell and lease. Live the Lux Life with