Getting married is the best....planning prepping sorting asking your friends to be your bridesmaids the list goes on...
I remember the day con proposed as if it was yesterday I was 22 weeks pregnant it was my 30th bday and omg it waa such a shock.
But obv I said yes....then came the planning...thats where the business came about
Gwtting quotes for flowers I was in shock at the prices so as u know I had a go at making my own....and this is what it has come to....
Winning best new business and becoming a limited conpany was the icing on the cake...
I built it uo from.nothing Lisa coming on board and building the business up even more....
We are a team we have done this together....
Thats why we love what we do....we love meeting brides...making brides cry with happiness...making your keepsake flowers and your wedding day dreams come to life.... special occasion
Here at forever to hold we go above and beyond and do not give up until we get it right.
Thanku all for ur support n custom n here is to 2018 and more xxxx