There was a time not very long ago where the thought of me posting on Facebook about BODY + MONEY in the same sentence would’ve sent me into a shame spiral for DAAAAAYS.
To be completely honest with you, my heart rate just kicked up a notch sharing this even now.
And that’s how I know I’m on to something…
Body and money have always been painfully intertwined for me. Opening up to pleasure in both these departments is a very new development. # justsayin
Whether it would be taking myself out on a Tuesday night shopping spree at Ann Taylor Loft at Southpark Mall in Strongsville, Ohio to spend $300+ on clothes that best HID my body, helped me FIT IN at work and most of all, helped me AVOID being alone with myself...
Secretly ordering a pizza on credit card from the pizza chain down the street only to bring it home with intentions of saving some for lunch tomorrow and end up throwing the empty box in the garbage that night and heading to bed with a belly full of shame and a credit card statement I would avoid until I got a late notice in the mail…
Buying endless array of chick flicks featuring the single, world-traveling woman who escapes her life and falls in love with an exotic dude with a sexy accent in order to procrastinate paying her bills and avoid logging into my bank account like the plague…
As you can see, my relationship with my body and my money went a little something like this:
{THEN} BODY + MONEY = More pain, more shame, more embarrassment that I couldn’t figure these two areas for the life of me
I’ve been healing my relationship to my body and my money for SEVEN YEARS now. And to be totally real with you, I had no idea that’s what I was doing because…
I just wanted to feel better.
And boy do I feel better now. Wow. It’s humbling to see how much growth in these two areas have happened for me through small choices, one-by-one to heal myself from the inside out. And my goodness, I didn’t do it alone. I’ve had so much help and support in these areas of my life, from therapy to coaching to online programs to books to cleanses to mindset tools to energy work to psychic readings to crying with my girlfriends to sharing things I’ve never had the courage to share with my name it, I’ve done it in the name of creating harmony and healing inside me one way or another. wedding
Now, my relationship with my body and my money goes something like this:
{NOW} BODY + MONEY = More communication, more ease, more TRUST, more slowness, more listening, more pleasure, more miracles, shorter spans of disconnect, more living INSIDE my body, more living in PARTNERSHIP with my money, more empowerment, more harmony, more patience, more kindness, more compassion, more gentleness, more LOVE
Tears are welling in my eyes right now as I write this because I don’t know if you can feel it, but i can, that THIS IS A BIG FRIGGIN’ DEAL IN THE BEST WAY!!!
Oh my goodness, had my past self who sat in the dressing room CRYING in disgust for how her body didn’t fit into any clothes, the one who would spend every single shame-based dollar in her paycheck and then some just to FEEL something, the one who would drown herself in PHYSICAL STUFF and big bowls of PASTA just to feel comforted...if she knew this version of me TODAY was even the slightest bit possible, I’m positive that she would’ve had more hope running through her veins.
You all know me now as a powerful leader, a positive soul, a bright light who speaks her mind and can find the gift in ANYTHING.
Well… I am made from HER.
And you are made of YOU from yesteryears, too.
Until we come into loving acceptance and healing for those past parts of us that have been told our bodies are wrong and our money is scarce, the ease will remain on lock down.
Life is too short to be lived without EASE.
So this is what we’re gonna do…
We’re gonna talk about it...together.
We’re gonna come out of the shadows of shame to explore this ESSENTIAL CONNECTION between our BODY and our MONEY.
This is how…
I’m hosting a never-before-done series called “The BODY LOVE MONEY LOVE Series” on COURAGE OF EASE TV this week and next week.
This series is going to help heal our shame by exploring the essential connection between loving our BODY and our MONEY.
I’m inviting you to join me because we’re braver when we come together. Will you be there?
SCHEDULE: Here’s what we’ll explore:
PART 1: BODY LOVE: Looking your SHAME right in the FACE through FORGIVENESS
Wed 2/7 @ 11:30a PT/2:30p ET
PART 2: MONEY LOVE: Owning where you’re at makes you BRAVE!
Fri 2/9 @ 11:30a PT/2:30p ET
PART 3: BODY LOVE: Permission for Pleasure unlocks your POWER
Mon 2/12 @ 11:30a PT/2:30p ET
PART 4: MONEY LOVE: Expanding your Money Container + the practice of RECEIVING
Wed 2/14 @ 11:30a PT/2:30p ET
PART 5: BODY LOVE & MONEY LOVE: Celebrating each WIN to make the LOVE LAST!
Fri 2/16 @ 11:30a PT/2:30p ET
******BONUS: If you really wanna go “high achiever” on me, I want to give you a book that you can read alongside this series that made all my biggest body and money dreams actually come true in 2017 by changing how I was THINKING about all of it. The book is called “THE SLIGHT EDGE” by Jeff Olsen. Amazon that baby and start reading ASAP if you want to truly understand the inner workings of my mind in how I 5x my business revenue in one year and find the motivation and inspiration to work out every single day.*******
Ooooooo, ladies...IT IS ONNNNN!
QUESTION: Will you be there with me? If so, mark your calendars now and COMMENT BELOW which topic you’re looking forward to most. Which would you have added? Is this conversation a new edge for you, too? How so?
Thank you for holding my heart in your virtual hands as I share this new edge with you.
Sometimes we have to vulnerably go first in order to hear “me too.”
From my body, money-lovin’ heart to yours,
**Remember to mark your calendars!**
Jayne Goodall
Design: Me