Today was an Awesome Day Yall!!!!!!! My baby got baptized.....It was a pleasure for him cause his papa Pastor Michael Walker Sr. did it!!!! But thats not the end of it, on last night Ajay was in a car accident with his father, hit by a 18 wheeler in Arkansas Ms. Everybody came out blessed and alive!!!! Thank You God!!! Ajay had to get stiches above the eye and a lil sore THATS IT!!!!!! Y'all Just don't know the feeling I had last night, to get a call that my baby had been in a wreck and blood everywhere and the 18 wheeler hit on his side in his door my mind was everywhere BUT GOD!!!! When I made it my baby was sitting up feeling GOOD!!!!! And on this morning when he got up Ajay told me "Ma I get baptized today right" after a long night he was still wanting and willing to get into that pool to be baptized!!!!! WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!!!! Also He wanna Thank everyone for all the calls and texts on last night and this morning ALL FAMILY MEMBERS LOVE EVERYONE!!! Rosser,Jones,Wilson, and Yates Family!!! wedding dresses for kids