Instructions to Authors of Invited Papers

1. Manuscripts must be in English and are due to the editor no later than the first day of the meeting (24 September 2000).  If the abstract of the manuscript is received by 25 August 2000, then the abstract will be duplicated (but not edited) and distributed to meeting participants.

2. The primary (co-)authors may add additional co-authors as necessary for the chapter to have scientific merit. Reviews should be aimed at a general technical audience, probably somewhere between Scientific American and Annual Review of Phytopathology. References should be indicative rather than exhaustive. References to material not readily available to the general scientific community, e.g. trip reports, annual reports, etc., should be avoided as much as possible. The primary thrust of the manuscript should be to review the field and to identify significant new research thrusts, but not to present new data.

3. All manuscripts will be reviewed and edited prior to publication. Authors will be given the opportunity to respond to substantive criticisms before publication. Page proofs will be sent to authors as time permits, but final copy editing may be done by the editor.

4. Maximum length is 24 typewritten pages INCLUDING Abstract, References, Tables and Figures. Not more than one Table or Figure per page. No more than four pages of references. Use 12 point Times Roman type. Double-space the entire manuscript. Leave one-inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides. Number the lines. Manuscripts exceeding this length are subject to deletions.

5. Sections and subsections within the manuscript should be designated as necessary to cover the material. A 50-100 word Abstract is required as is a References section.

6. Submit one hard copy and a copy on diskette (3.5 inch). Label the diskette with the name of the author and indicate the name of the file containing the manuscript and the software that was used to produce the file.

7. The proceedings volume will be prepared from text set in Word '97 from an IBM compatible computer. Manuscripts submitted in this form are strongly preferred. If preparation in this format is not possible, then submit both a text version of the file as well as the file prepared by the word processing program.

8. Tables and figures should be called by number in the order cited in the text. Tables should be included in the file with the manuscript and should follow the references; no more than one table per page. Figure legends should follow the Tables. Line drawings may be included as Word files. Submit two hard copies of all tables and figures. Figures other than line drawings should be submitted as two glossy Black and white prints that can be used directly by the printer without further modification.

9. References should follow the style of the American Phytopathological Society and should be as used in Phytopathology. List the references alphabetically and then number them. Call the references by number from the text.

10. If there are doubts about style consult the guidelines to authors for Phytopathology found at

11. If material that has been previously published is included, then a signed copyright release form must be completed and submitted for each table and/or figure.

12. A copyright transfer form must be completed and signed by every co-author and submitted with the manuscript.

13. All authors will receive a copy of the final proceedings volume. Submission of an address to which the volume can be mailed must be supplied on the meeting registration form or on the copyright transfer form. Authors will be allowed to purchase additional copies at a discounted price. No reprints will be available for purchase.


Questions about manuscript 
preparation should be directed to:

John F. Leslie
Department of Plant Pathology
4002 Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center
Kansas state University
Manhattan  Kansas 66506-5502  USA
Phone: 1-785-532-1363
Fax:     1-785-532-2414
[email protected]


Last modified  05/28/2004