Countries and States of the USA in which INTSORMIL Supports Education and Collaborative Research

Revised September 27, 2002.

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(Maps for all nine Collaborative Research Support Programs (CRSPs) of USAID may be found in the CRSP ATLAS)

Contents of the USA Section of the INTSORMIL Atlas

States with INTSORMIL PIs and 2001 Sorghum and Maize Yield, Area and Production Data
INTSORMIL Support of Education and Training in the USA, 1979 - 2001

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Revised 9/27/2002

The INTSORMIL Management Entity aims to provide current, accurate information at its World Wide Web (WWW) site. We welcome your questions, suggestions, and additional information to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the WWW site. Please contact the INTSORMIL Managment Entity at 113 Biochemistry Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68583-0748 or by Email or by FAX: (402) 472-7978.