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Para Una Boda En La Tarde


Uno pone y Dios dispone, ayer en la Para Una Boda En La Tarde tenia que asistir a un compromiso en la cual me iba a reunir con amistades que aprecio mucho y que desde hace mucho tiempo no veo.
Pero por cosas de la vida no se pudo, tuve que llevar a mi mama al Hospital porque de un momento a otro la cirujia le empezo a doler, mientras esperabamos al doctor, tuve una ansiedad de tomar cafe, como nunca antes, me fui a la cafeteria y tambien por cosas de la vida de regreso donde estaba mi mama, pa...se por el lado de emergencia para sacar de las maquinas unas galletas.
De pronto vi que entraba una persona en sillas de ruedas e hicimos contacto visual inmediatamente, y en mi mente paso que ese rostro me era familiar, y paso cerca de mi, minutos seguidos las dos nos volvimos a mirar y nos llamamos con nuestros nombres, no lo podia creer, era una amiga que conoci hace 20 años atras, que asistimos a la misma escuela con un mismo proposito de aprender Ingles como nuestra segunda lengua, estudiamos juntas 3 años, estuve en su boda y luego por esas cosas del destino nos desconectamos por todo este tiempo.
Ayer antes de que me fuera con mi mama a casa, la busque en el hospital porque me impresiono verla y comparti con ella hora y media, el doctor me dio solo quince minutos para estar con ella, pero mi amiga le pidio al doctor que nos permitiera mas tiempo para poder platicar todas nuestras experiencia de todo el tiempo que no nos habiamos mirado, hora y media no fue nada, pero si fue una reunion satisfactoria, en su rostro le vi esa alegria, ese deseo se seguir viviendo.
Lamentablemente hoy por la manana su esposo me llama para darme la noticia de que mi amiga perdio la lucha contra el cancer esta madrugada.
Ayer mi corazon se lleno de regozijo al verla, hoy mi corazon esta triste al saber que ya no la voy a volver a ver, Dios tiene un proposito en nuestras vidas y todas estas senales de ayer en mi persona tuvo un proposito, el de encontrar a mi amiga y volverla a ver por ultima vez.
Repito esta palabra que acaba de pronunciar nuestro Papa, TU ERES MI DIOS Y EN TI CONFIO!

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One puts and God disposes, yesterday evening I had to attend to a compromise in which I was going to gather with friends that I very much appreciate and that since a long time ago I don't see.
But for things of life could not be, I had to take my mom to the hospital because of one moment to another surgery he started to hurt, while we waited for the doctor, I had an anxiety to take coffee, like never before, I went to The cafeteria and also for things of life back where I was... my mom, stop by the side of emergency to get out of the machines some cookies.
Suddenly I saw coming in a person in wheelchairs and we made eye contact immediately, and in my mind step that face was familiar to me, and I spend near my, minutes in a row we both went back to look and we call ourselves with our names, I couldn't believe it, it was a friend that I met 20 years ago, that we attended the same school with the same purpose to learn English as a second language, we study together 3 years, I was at your wedding and then by those Things of fate we get disconnected for all this time.
Yesterday before I went away with my mom to the house, look in the hospital because I was impressed to see her and I shared with her an hour and a half, the doctor gave me only fifteen minutes to be with her, but my friend asked him to the doctor we Allow more time to be able to talk all our experience of all the time that we do not we looked for an hour and a half, it was nothing, but if it was a successful reunion, on his face I saw him that joy, that desire is to keep living.
Unfortunately today in the morning her husband calls me to give me the news that my friend lost the fight against cancer early this morning.
Yesterday, my heart is full of regozijo to see her, today my heart is sad to know that I'm not going to see again, God has a purpose in our lives and all of these signs of yesterday on my person had a purpose, to find To my friend and to see you again for the last time.
I repeat this word he has just made our Pope, you are my God and I trust in thee!

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Last updated: 01/28/2005
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