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The INTSORMIL CRSP, or simply INTSORMIL, focuses international, collaborative research to improve nutrition and increase income in developing countries and the United States. Scientists from U.S Land Grant Universities and collaborating scientists in developing countries provide useful technology to improve production and utilization of sorghum and millet and improve natural resource management.

Their work is done in the developing countries of Africa, Central America, Eurasia and the United States.

The following pictures and captions (read from left to right)
present a very brief overview of the INTSORMIL CRSP.

Sorghum and Pearl Millet 
originated in Africa...
..and through collaborative research are now commercially grown in the United States
INTSORMIL Overall Objectives:
To improve human and animal nutrition 
through research on production 
and utilization of sorghum and millet
Who benefits from INTSORMIL 
Research and Institution Building?

In the United States and 
Developing Countries

Pearl Millet At least 
500 million people  depend on it for 
their lives.

INTSORMIL Institution 
Building Includes:

Research Support

Millet Harvest in
Niger, West Africa
Forage Millet
in Nebraska
Millet farmer and
 millet breeder in Iowa
INTSORMIL Provides Host 
Country Program Enhancement in:
  West Africa, Southern Africa, the Horn of Africa, and Central America


The broadest access to information about INTSORMIL accessible through this web site is at our home page. For additional information about INTSORMIL's benefits both in the United States and collaborating, developing countries, refer to the section on benefits. Additional information about INTSORMIL is available from the Management Entity, INTSORMIL collaborating scientists, and the USAID Project Officer in charge of INTSORMIL.


This World Wide Web site is made possible through support provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development under the terms of Grant No. LAG-G-00-96-90009-00. 

We welcome your questions, suggestions, and additional information to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the WWW site. Please contact the INTSORMIL Managment Entity at 113 Biochemistry Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68583-0748 or [email protected] or FAX: (402) 472-7978
Last updated: 01/28/2005