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The following files are available for download in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Please select a file and click to download.

Participants of the Marketing & Processing for Dryland Crops in West Africa Workshop in Bamako, Mali from November 16-18, 2004.
Top Left: Mme. Cisse Fatchima from STA in Niger
Top Right: Mme. Ouattara Laurentia, Food Scientist at IRSAT/CNRST and Mme. Triande Edith, UMAO, both from Burkina Faso
Bottom Left: Mme. Deme D. Assatou, Free Work Services in Senegal
Bottom Right: Mme. Zoundi Simone, SODEPAL in Burkina Faso
Opening Pages
Table of Contents
Introduction and Program Overview
Sustainable Plant 
Protection Systems
Production Systems
Germplasm Enhancement 
and Conservation
Crop Utilization 
and Marketing
Host Country 
Program Enhancement 
Educational Activies
Appendices For a hard copy of this publication please write, fax or email to the address above.
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University of Nebraska
Lincoln NE 68583-0748
FAX: (402) 472-7978
[email protected]

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Last updated: 06/08/2006