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  This section includes cooperating organizations associated with INTSORMIL.
Dr. Seyfu Ketema
Address: ASARECA
Plot 5 Mpigi Rd
PO Box 765
Entebbe  Uganda

Phone: 256-41-320212/320556/321389
: 256-41-321126
[email protected]
Dr. Tim Lust
Address: Executive Director
4201 N Interstate 27
Lubboxk  TX  79403
Phone: 806-749-3478
: 806-749-9002
[email protected]
Dr. Jeff Dahlberg
Address: Director of Research
4201 N Interstate 27
Lubbock  TX  79403
Phone: 806-749-3478
: 806-749-9002
[email protected]
Dr. William Dar
Director General
Address: ICRISAT
Patancheru 502 324 
Andhra Pradesh  India
Phone: 91-40-329-6161
Fax:  91-40-324-1239
[email protected]
Aberra Debelo
Address: ECARSAM
Nairobi  Kenya
Phone: 254-20-722-4566
Fax:  254-20-722-4001
[email protected]
Dr. J.D.H. Keatinge
  Address: Deputy Director General -Research
Patancheru 502 324
Andhra Pradesh  India

Phone: 91-40-329-6161
Fax: 91-40-324-1239
Dr. S. Koala
Address: ICRISAT Sahelian Center
BP 12404
Niamey  Niger

Phone: 227-72-2529
Fax: 227-73-4329
[email protected]
Dr. Barry Shapiro
Address: Director, Marketing 
& Resources Mobilization
BP 320
Patancheru 502 324
Andhra Pradesh  India
Phone: 91-40-30713071
Fax: 91-40-30713074/075
[email protected]
Dr. M.S. Sompo Ceesay
Address: Director General
PO Box 1530
Bamako  Mali

Phone: 223-222148
Fax: 223-222337
Dr. Gaousso Traore
Address: Chief, Natural Resources Management
PO Box 1530
Bamako  Mali

Phone: 223-222148
Fax: 223-222337
Dr. Gaousso Traore
Address: Chief, Natural Resources Management
PO Box 1530
Bamako  Mali

Phone: 223-222148
Fax: 223-222337
Mr. Monsour Fall
Special Programs & Public Relations
Rue 6 Angle G 
Face Keur Jaraf
BP 3731
Dakar  Senegal
Phone: 221-824-3717
Fax: 221-824-3954
[email protected]
Mr. Phillippe Dembele
Address: Hippodrome, Rue 582 Angle 439
Face Soteima
Direction De La Production
BP 2347
Bamako  Mali

Phone: 223-21-5189/21-3820
Fax: 223-21-8130
Mr. Simbary Mathieu Gassi
Address: AQuartier Moursai
Face Bureau Posste de Moursai
Rue 5126 Porte 1025 BP 1108
Ndjamena  Chad

Phone: 235-51-7599/51-7038
Fax: 235-51-8614
Mr. Eugene Asante
Address: #3 Kotei Robertson Street
North Industrial Area
Kaneshie Private Mail Bag Accra-North
Accra  Ghana

Phone: 233-21-22-6643/22-7216
Fax: 233-21-23-0178
[email protected]
Dr. Ayo Abifarin
Address: #3 Kotei Robertson Street
North Industrial Area
Kaneshie Private Mail Bag Accra-North
Accra  Ghana

Phone: 233-21-23-2604
Fax: 233-21-23-0178
[email protected]
Dr. Marcel Galiba
Address: Director
SG2000 CIte du Niger 
BP 3541
Bamako  Mali

Phone: 223-77-1438
Fax: 223-21-9028
[email protected]

This World Wide Web site is made possible through support provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development under the terms of Grant No. LAG-G-00-96-90009-00. 

We welcome your questions, suggestions, and additional information to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the WWW site. Please contact the INTSORMIL Managment Entity at 113 Biochemistry Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68583-0748 or [email protected] or FAX: (402) 472-7978
Last updated: 05/26/2005