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INTSORMIL Sponsored Workshops, Conferences, 
Short Courses & Seminars

click cells in green to see more info on a conference
International Short Course in Host Plant Resistance
College Station, Texas - 1979
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Lincoln, Nebraska - January, 1980
West Africa Farming Systems
West Lafayette, Indiana - May, 1980
Sorghum Disease Short Course for Latin America
Mexico - March, 1981
International Symposium on Sorghum Grain Quality
ICRISAT - October, 1981
International Symposium on Food Quality
Hyderabad, India - October, 1981
Agrimeteorology of Sorghum and Millet in the Semi-Arid Tropics
ICRISAT - 1982
Latin America Sorghum Quality Short Course
El Batan, Mexico - April, 1982
Sorghum Food Quality Workshop
El Batan, Mexico - April, 1982
Sorghum Downy Mildew Workshop
Corpus Christi, Texas - June, 1982
Plant Pathology
CIMMYT - June, 1982
Striga Workshop
Raleigh, North Carolina - August, 1982
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Scottsdale, Arizona - January, 1983
INTSORMIL-ICRISAT Plant Breeding Workshop
CIMMYT - April, 1983
Hybrid Sorghum Seed Workshop
Wad Medani, Sudan - November, 1983
Stalk and Root Rots
Bellagio, Italy - November, 1983
Sorghum in the '80s
ICRISAT - 1984
Dominican Republic/Sorghum
Santo Domingo - 1984
Sorghum Production Systems in Latin America
CIMMYT - 1984
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Scottsdale, Arizona - January, 1984
Primer Seminario National Sobre Produccion y Utilizacion del Sorgo
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - February, 1984
Evaluating Sorghum for Al Toxicity in Tropical Soils of Latin America
Cali, Colombia - April, 1984
First Consultative and Review on Sorghum Research in the Philippines
Los Banos, Philippines - June, 1984
INTSORMIL Graduate Student Workshop and Tour
College Station, Texas - June, 1984
International Sorghum Entomology Workshop
College Station, Texas - July, 1984
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Lubbock, Texas - February, 1985
Niger Prime Site Workshop
Niamey, Niger - October, 1985
Sorghum Seed Production Workshop
CIMMYT - October, 1985
International Millet Conference
ICRISAT - April, 1986
Maicillos Criollos and Other Sorghum in Middle America Workshop
Tegucigalpa, Honduras - December, 1987
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Kansas City, Missouri - January, 1987
2nd Global Conference on Sorghum/Millet Diseases
Harare, Zimbabwe - March, 1988
6th Annual CLAIS Meeting
San Salvador, El Salvador - December, 1988
International INTSORMIL Research Conference
Scottsdale, Arizona - January, 1989
INTSORMIL Graduate Student Workshop and Tour
College Station, Texas - July, 1989
ARC/INTSORMIL Sorghum/Millet Workshop
Wad Medani, Sudan - November, 1989
Workshop on Sorghum Nutritional Grain Quality
West Lafayette, Indiana - February, 1990
Sorghum for the Future Workshop
Cali, Colombia - January, 1991
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Corpus Christi, Texas - July, 1991
Workshop on Social Science Research and the CRSPs
Lexington, Kentucky - June, 1992
Workshop on Adaptation of Plants to Soil Stresses
Lincoln, Nebraska - August, 1993
International Conference on Genetic Improvement of Sorghum and Millet
Lubbock, Texas - September, 1996
Conference on Ergot of Sorghum in the Americas
Sete Lagoas, Brazil - June, 1997
Ethiopia Sorghum and Millet Traveling Workshop
Ethiopia - September, 1997
Mali Sorghum Characterization Workshop
Cinzana, Mali - November, 1997
INTSORMIL Principal Investigators' Conference
Corpus Christi, Texas - June, 1998
Impact Assessment Workshop
Corpus Christi, Texas - June, 1998
Conference on the Status of Sorghum Ergot in North America
Corpus Christi, Texas - June, 1998
Regional Hybrid Sorghum and Pearl Millet Seed Workshop
Niamey, Niger - September 28 - October 2, 1998
CRSP Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy
Baltimore, Maryland - October 19, 1998
Global 2000 Sorghum & Pearl Millet Diseases III
Guanajuato, Mexico - September 23 - 30, 2000
Increasing Profitability of Sorghum and Millets
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - November 18 - 20, 2002

This World Wide Web site is made possible through support provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development under the terms of Grant No. LAG-G-00-96-90009-00. 

We welcome your questions, suggestions, and additional information to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the WWW site. Please contact the INTSORMIL Managment Entity at 113 Biochemistry Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68583-0748 or [email protected] or FAX: (402) 472-7978
Last updated: 01/28/2005