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mother of bride long


I'm so thankful that God answered my prayers. I finally get treated with respect and appreciation. I finally get to catch my man staring at me like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world instead of catching him look at other woman. I am finally in a relationship that makes me want to be a better girlfriend, mother of bride long, and all together person. I now get to have the feeling of having a man who's all mine. Not just sometimes. Not just Monday thru friday. All day everyday. He mak...es me feel secure and cared for. I get to be catered to now. I am honest with him and tell him things that my family doesn't even know. We are best friends. We are crazy about each other. We are the most beautiful couple inside and out. God knew what he was doing when he put him in my life. He has set the bar high. Thank you handsome for treating me the way I've always dreamed me and my babies should be treated!

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Last updated: 01/28/2005
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