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ofileLink" href="https://www.facebook.com/Haddonfield69" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/user.php?id=1296855270">François read the comments to see what Guardian readers think. Looks like the free-speech loving "classical liberal" left is starting to speak out about the censorship-supporting "authoritarian left". The Guardian itself is representing the spirit of journalism and seems to be speaking out more and more more now. Peter Tatchell (an absolute hero of equality and human rights for over 40 years) has been threatened with "no platform" by some student.

"It says a lot about the hy...sterical and hyperbolic nature of Twitter activism today that signing a letter in support of freedom of speech is considered tantamount to actually beating up trans women and men. And 'racism' seems a tacked-on accusation these days too- no need to prove it, it's all about blackening the names of those who don't agree with you 100 percent on everything. There's nothing but intolerance and childish tantrum throwing among this type of 'activist'. They don't deserve the name."

"Over-protected children who've grown up with twitter based 'social activism' seem to have become ignorant, entitled, totalitarian students. How deeply unpleasant and discouraging. I wonder what the concept of free speech actually means to them."

" For many of them, their every tiny feeling of discomfort has been elevated to the status of a disrespected human right and this is now playing out in their bizarre self-involved politics. Considering the serious problems with the future that they as adults will participate in this is a huge problem."

"That's because they are shifting (or your perception of them is shifting) on the Authoritarian/Libertarian axis rather than the Left/Right axis. There are plenty of lefty arseholes who want to control what you can say as well as righty ones. I can forgive the lefty ones slightly more than the righty ones, but it's a close run thing."

See More
Veteran gay rights activist is soon to celebrate 50 years campaigning for equality. But now he is caught up in a row over ‘no-platforming’
theguardian.com|By Tracy McVeigh
Last updated: 01/28/2005
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