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As I've been diving in the Book of Psalms these past couple weeks, David has blown my mind and the Lord has reminded me of so much. There are so many beautiful psalms but this precious gem stood out to me last night.

David is thirsty for the presence of the Lord just as a deer pants for water (beautiful picture). He screaming to God how he is feeling and the thoughts that are running around in his head even when he doesn't understand them fully. As all his emotions, circumst...ances and feelings are crashing upon him, David made a choice. Although he didn't understand the feelings that were stirring inside of him, He CHOSE God. David chose to remember the faithfulness of God rather then focusing on his current circumstances. When we don't understand what's going on around us or feel the presence of the Lord or hear His sweet voice, we tend to think that He's abandon us. Instead of allowing the devil to feed you those lies, remember those times in the past where you felt like you were going under but our Mighty God reached down to save YOU. Remember five years ago when you felt this exact same way, He brought you through it and He made you stronger and wiser while teaching you to TRUST IN HIM. Rejoice in the hard times. Remember His faithfulness and have Joy because of the good work He's completing in your life.

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Last updated: 01/28/2005
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