Sorghum, Millet
and Other Grains CRSP
Collaborative Research Support Program






News Articles

ME Publications

Scientific Publications









The International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (INTSORMIL CRSP) was established in 1979.  In 2006 the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) issued an RFP for the Management Entity of a new CRSP called the Sorghum, Millet and Other Grains CRSP.  The University of Nebraska submitted the winning proposal for this new program which we continue to refer to as �INTSORMIL.� It is one of nine CRSP programs supported by the USAID. INTSORMIL animal nutritionists, biotechnologists, breeders, cereal chemists, economists, entomologists, food scientists, plant pathologists and weed scientists, from, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska, Ohio State University, Purdue University, Texas A&M University,  West Texas A&M  University and the ARS/USDA collaborate with national research programs in East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa and Central America. INTSORMIL works in 15 countries in Africa and three countries in Central America.


Research: INTSORMIL supports international collaborative research to improve nutrition and increase income in developing countries and the United States. The program focuses on enhancing production and use of sorghum, millet and some other grains (finger millet, folio and tef). This work has also identified new farming practices that improve yields, reduce crop losses to pests and protect natural resources and helped to develop new markets for these important grains. Access to foreign genetic material has also improved U. S. sorghum and millet production and utilization. For example, development of greenbug-resistant hybrids, based on African germplasm, has resulted in higher yields and lower pesticide costs for U.S. farmers.

Education: INTSORMIL supports education and training of foreign and U.S. graduate students, and visiting scientists. In the past 28 years, the program has supported more than 873 foreign graduate students and 211 post doctoral fellows and visiting scientists. Most have returned to their home countries where they continue to collaborate with INTSORMIL as scientists, and research administrators.

Support/Outreach: Ongoing scientific collaboration helps participating countries build their crop research capacities. For example, Mali in Africa has developed one of the world�s strongest sorghum research programs, thanks to ongoing INTSORMIL support. Thousands of people have participated in INTSORMIL-related workshops in the U.S. and abroad.


To improve food security, enhance farm income and improve economic activity in the major sorghum and pearl millet producing countries in Africa and Central America


  • Facilitate growth of rapidly expanding markets for sorghum and pearl millet.

  • Improve the food and nutritional quality of sorghum and pearl millet to enhance marketability and consumer health.

  • Increase the stability and yield of sorghum and pearl millet through crop, soil and water management while maintaining or improving the natural resources of soil and water.

  • Develop and disseminate information on the management of biotic stresses in an integrated system to increase grain yield and quality in the field and in storage.

  • Enhance the stability and yield of sorghum and pearl millet through the use of genetic technologies.

  • Enhance global sorghum and pearl millet genetic resources and the conservation of biodiversity.

  • Develop effective partnerships with national and international agencies engaged in the improvement of sorghum and pearl millet production and the betterment of people dependent on these crops for their livelihoods.


The Sorghum, Millet and Other Grains CRSP is administered as a  Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement from USAID  to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, which as the Management Entity, administers sub grants to participating US institutions and national programs and maintains fiscal responsibility.

The Program director is responsible for development of the program and coordinating activities of the project across and within regions.

The Technical Committee provides input on program planning and program review to the Program Director.

The Board of Directors Advises, sets policy and procedures, reviews progress and sets annual budgets.


This World Wide Web site is made possible through support provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development. We welcome your questions, suggestions, and additional information to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the WWW site. Please contact the Managment Entity at 113 Biochemistry Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68583-0748 or [email protected] or FAX: (402) 472-7978