Sorghum, Millet
and Other Grains CRSP
Collaborative Research Support Program






News Articles

ME Publications

Scientific Publications














Sorghum, Millet and Other Grains CRSP
Principal Investigators

ARS/USDA - Georgia Jeff Wilson Breeding Pearl Millet with Improved Performance, Stability and Resistance to Pests
KSU Joe Hancock Enhancing the Utilization and Marketability of Sorghum and Pearl Millet through Improvement in Grain Quality, Processing, Procedures, and Technology Transfer to the Poultry Industry
KSU John Leslie Grain Molds, Mycotoxins and Stalk Rots of Sorghum and Millet
KSU P.V. Prasad
Scott Staggenborg
David Mengel
Integrated Soil, Water, Nutrient and Crop Management Strategies for Improving Productivity in Sorghum and Millet Based Cropping Systems
KSU Mitch Tuinstra Developing Sorghum with Improved Grain Quality, Agronomic Performance, and Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
OSU Donald Larson
Mark Erbaugh
Market Development in Support of Sorghum and Millet Farmers in Tanzania and Zambia
Purdue Gebisa Ejeta Breeding Sorghum for Improved Resistance to Striga and Drought in Africa
Purdue Bruce Hamaker Product and Market Development for Sorghum and Pearl Millet in West Africa
Purdue John Sanders Development of the Input and Product Markets in West Africa for Sorghum and Millet
Texas A&M Lloyd Rooney Product and Market Development for Sorghum and Pearl Millet in Southern African and Central America
Texas A&M William Rooney Breeding Sorghum for Improved Grain, Forage Quality and Yield for Central America
Texas A&M Gary Peterson Breeding Sorghum for Improved Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses and Enhanced End-Use Characteristics for Southern Africa
UNL David Jackson Building a Sustainable Infrastructure for Product Development and Food Entrepreneur/Industry Technical Support: A Strategy to Promote Increased Use of Sorghum and Millet in East Africa
UNL Charles Wortmann Crop, Soil and Water Management to Optimize Grain Yield and Quality for Value-Added Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa
West Texas A&M Bonnie Pendleton Ecologically-Based Management of Sorghum and Pearl Millet Insect Pests in Africa and the United States


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